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  1. Write a check payable to "The Women Care"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "The Women Care"
  3. Mail your check to:

Donation Total: ₨ 5,000

About Us


(The Women’s Care Foundation of Pakistan (International Welfare Trust) is a not for profit, non-political, non-religious and women organization working in Sindh province of Pakistan since 2011. The objective of the organization is to provide support and care to women who are marginalized and struggling for the rights.


To strengthen women to live with the dignity and get back the right/respect of women in society by creating opportunities for growth and development. 


Aware the communities for obtaining their rights focusing on women, marginalized and neglected populations.

Ms Sabita Mushtaq Project Coordinator

Organization Working Strategy

  • Research & advocacy for supporting equal rights & freedom of all people under Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Formulating and implementing management programs through people’s participation.
  • To develop linkage between Government – NGO – community.
  • Capacity building of social workers and human rights defenders/institutions through various training program, exposure trips and information dissemination for rights.
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